Offline - 1 day


VOODOOfrom december 14 2017 there can not be any notes anymore as you all know. so then i put it in guestbook for a week so you can see anyway. after that week i will keep them in word, so when you want a level you send an email  with the question and i will send it to you  .

Also thanks to Germany, schneeeule and pummelfee, Holland, Marjaatje and others whoever will help me. 

Latest entries

  • mjkl



    N take drillpin…..B drill, go on blue…..N take telepin…..G go left up take all, go back down…..B 1 step right….G via B go right…..B on blue…..G take all on the right balloons, go left back down, tp. down to yarn go right take all, go back left, tp. down to yarn, set bridge left, go left, tp. up, go left take all, go back right 1x down, plant bean, set bridge, all go home


    B on blue…..N right down go left down take all, set 3 bridges right under telepin, tp. right to yarn, tp. up, set bridge right, on bridge, tp.up  go right down 3x go left down, set bridge right, take telepin, go left, tp. left, tp. up, 1 step down, tp. down, tp. up, go on bridge, tp. up, go home…..B right down to drillpin, drill take telepin, 1 step back, tp.down home


    B take all go left down take bean set 2 bridges right, ….N go right down for umbrella…..B with umbrella left down, plant bean, go up take yarns, go up and right via bridges right for umbrella, go left down, home…..N go left down and with umbrella right down, go up ladder for bean, go down and right, plant bean, go up take 2 yarns, go home


    G go left down, go right down, plant bean go up and take right bean, go left, plant bean…..B go down plant take 2 yarns, go on blue…..G go left for drillpin, drill, take yarn, go up plant go right and down on yarn, go up plant …..N tp.left, go home…..G go right, set bridge, go right down on yarn, go right down on drillpin, drill, take all go home…..B go home


    N go right down and left down take all…..B go left down, set bridge, on bridge, tp. left on red…..G go right down and via B take yarn, go left up and down, for yarn go home….. weigh down, go left take all, go home…..B on triangle, go home


    B tp. right, take all, drill 2x on the left take all, drill 2x on the right, take yarn, set 3 bridges right, go right, tp. right, tp. up, take bridgepin and telepins, 1 step down ladder, set 2 bridges left, on bridge, tp. up tp. down, go right for yarn, home…..D this on the right side opposite home


    G take bean, go right to island before blue.plant bean, go up take left yarn, go up for yarn, go up and left for drillpin, go up go right up, drill above yarn, tke telepin, tp. left, go up plant go left down on bridgepin…..go back up and left…..B on blue….>G go left down on bridgepin…..B off and on blue…..G go up, go left, set bridge, go left, set 2 bridges left, go left, drill, take all, go home…..B go down, set bridge, go home


    G go right for yarn go right up…..N go left down take bean…..B with umbrella go on triangles, plant bean…..N up plant take telepin, home…..G tp. left or up, take left bean, go up plant for yarn above…..B up plant, set bridge left, go on blue….G go right down balloons take telepin, tp. left, go up plant ge via B left up…..B off blue….>G go left down and up, plant bean, go left down take bridgepin and telepin, tp. up, set bridge right take yarn go up right plant, go via B left up and down to left plant…..B on blue…..G go rightup for yarn and right down for last yarn all go home


    B on blue…..G go right up take all, go back left up, tp. up, go right on islsnd drill, go left up take all there is, go back right under yarn, drill, go up take telepin, go down, and right, set bridge, go right for yarn, 1 step right, tp. up, go up for yarn, go back left down plant, go right up to ladder and down for last yarn, go left as far as you can…..B with umbrella on triangle, go home…..G go home


    N go right take all…..B go right set bridge, on bridge…..N 1 step left, tp. up tp. right, go left down…..B go right down…..N take left bridgepin…..B on triangle, go left 1x down…..N on his head set bridge, on bridge…..B drill, go on blue…..N go left down and take left yarn, …..B right 1 step…..N go right in ladder and down on telepins. Go left down, 1 step left, tp. up, go right on triangle, tp. right….. B on blue…..N go right down to yarn, plant bean, go up, take telepins, go 1 step down plant, take left yarn, tp. down on bridgepin, go right and left down to key and yarn, go left, tp. up, home…..B go right on triangle, go left, set bridge, take last yarn, go home


    G take drillpin…..B 1 step right, drill, take all, go above triangles…..G set bridge, take drillpin…..B drill…..G tp. up, take bean…..B plant bean, go up go left…..G via B take yarn go up plant take all there is on the left, go down half way, go right, set bridge, take bean and yarn. Go up…..B up plant all the way, go right down stand right….G via B go right up, set bridge above B, go right down, plant bean, go up for telepin, go down plant…..B tp.up, go down plant stand right…..G via B take all on the right…..B stand left…..G via B go left up and left, set bridge, take all, go back to B…..B stand right…..G via B go right set bridge take drillpin, go back up plant…..B go up plant go right down stand right….G via B go right up set bridge above B take telepin…..B stand left…..G go left via B go left up and down plant, drill on the right take all, go right down, go left up…..B tp.up bridge go right, tp. to umbrella and with umbrella left down, drill take bridgepin and yarn…..G set bridge, go left take all, go back right as far as you can…..Bdrill above triangles….G tp. right take all there is, 1 step left, drill above triangle, 1 step up…..B on triangle…..all go home


    N take bridgepin, …..G set bridge take weighpin…..N go down and via B go right weigh down, set 2 bridges right for candy…..B on triangles…..N tp. up set bridge for candy, tp. up 2x, take beans…..B plant bean, go up for telepin…..G go left, tp. left to plant…..B on blue. And with help from B off and on blue G goes up and take all there is for 3 candys and 2 telepins, go right up for candy on top go back left all the way via balloons for candy tp.down for candy take bridgepin go above telepin…..B off blue…..G take all go in door, set bridge left…..N go down vis B go right tp.down to candy, go left and up plant….B on blue…..N via B go left tp.down to key, go home…..B go down plant, tp. left home
