


~*~If you want to be friends with me you can. I am not a fan of bad language, bad talk about someone and/or abuse. I do have an odd sense of humour and if I had superpowers I would end abuse of ALL kinds.~*~~*~Smiling Can and Will Increase Your Face Value~*~ ~*~Never stab someone in the back you never know when you might need them.~*~ ~*~A Strong Man Stands Up For Himself, A Stronger Man Stands Up For Others. Ben to son Otis in Barnyard Movie~*~~*~Remember actions speak louder than words.~*~ ~*~Just a side note, I am a believer in Jesus. I WILL NOT hit you over the head with the family Bible. I accept everyone no matter what you believe. {except sacrificing, abusing and etc. living things}~*~

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